
Future of Music Wash DC Oct 6

Is music journalism in "critical condition?" And, if so, what should journalists do about it? Those are the questions we'll be exploring Oct 6 on a panel at the Future of Music Policy Summit at Georgetown University in Washington D.C.

The Summit is a two-conference that will look at "what comes next?" now that the "digital music genie [has] burst out of its bottle, changing the game for virtually everyone in the music ecosystem."

Here's the scoop on the journalists panel I'll be part of:
TITLE: Critical Condition: The Future of Music Journalism
DATE: Tuesday, October 6
TIME: 2:00 - 4:00 pm (with 15 minute break from 3:00 - 3:15 pm)
LOCATION: Georgetown Hotel & Conference Center, Salon H

- Maura Johnston, Editor, Idolator
- Greg Kot, Music Critic, Chicago Tribune; Host, Sound Opinions, NPR
- David Malitz, Staff Writer, Washington Post
- Howard Mandel, President, Jazz Journalists Association
- Tom Moon, Music Critic, NPR; Author, 1000 Recordings to Hear Before You
- Scott Plagenhoef, Editor-in-Chief, Pitchfork
- Mike Riggs, City Lights Editor, Washington City Paper
- Todd C. Roberts, Co-founder, The Daily Swarm; Artist Manager/Consultant,
Truant Media
- Raymond Leon Roker, Co-founder, URB/URB.com; President, NativeSon Media,
- Molly Sheridan, Managing Editor, NewMusicBox.org; Director,
- Eliot Van Buskirk, Staff Writer, Wired.com
- Fiona Morgan, Journalist (co-moderator)
- Casey Rae-Hunter, Communications Director, Future of Music Coalition

The Summit is sponsored by the Future of Music Coalition and will include "practical, musician-focused workshops, keynotes from leading artists, managers and policymakers and inspired panel discussions with the sharpest minds in the music/technology space. New this year, the event will feature unique presentations from a range of visionaries about where we’ve been and where we go from here." Hope you can join us in D.C.-- or follow the action via webcast or Twitter #FMC09.